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Lets get start


Lets get start 

First , getting to know your guitar.

I'm sure you already know what guitar is.

In the picture, left side is electric , right is acoustic

The picture below display all components in a guitar and how to call each item.

Then I 'm focusing on the acoustic first 
( i guess you own an acoustic one as your first guitar as I do too ) 

Let see what is  in the acoustic guitar
The right one under your right hand (you are holding the guitar now) is a bridge. 
then ,
The sound hole 
and under the sound hole is the pick guard which protects your guitar top from pick scratching . 
then on your left hand
it is the guitar neck
the thinner wood on top of the neck is the fingerboard
which has metal lines called frets

the left after your left hand is guitar head 
with tuning pegs

so we talk about the finger board

Look at the fingerboard
There are Fret Marker that help your easy to notice fret 5 , 7, 9 ,12
(fret 12 is same note as free string but an octave higher)

AND NOW you must know the string name
They have same name as their free string notes

First string is the lowest string, the note  is E 
then 2nd string above is B 
3rd is G
4th is D
5th is A
6th is E 
you can see 1st and 6th also have E note
but E on the 6th is 2 octaves lower than E on the 1st 

Okay , have something to drink
we are starting to play guitar on the next post


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